Masters Research on Bosnian Social and Economic Mobility
Summary: Non-profit organization sought to engage millennial alumni of one of its signature programs.
Key Points
1. For planners who want to plan for broadband infrastructure, adoption, and digital inclusion, the tech industry is an overlooked partner that wants to solve big problems and needs planners’ help.
2. The consequences of not partnering with tech include harm to already marginalized communities and sections of the public and the industry needs planners to plan for digital inclusion to meet future labor demands. 4. Seek out spaces where tech conversations are happening, partner on mentorship and giving, invite techies to participate in an experience (such as a connectivity walk audit), and speak in common language.
The presentation was delivered as part of the session titled Getting Started with Broadband, which broadly addressed methods for increasing digital inclusion in communities.
I've always loved the NPR series This I Believe. Since the early days of radio it has invited people to sit down and write what they believe. Beliefs from big thinkers like Albert Einstein and Eleanor Roosevelt have graced the airwaves the same as regular people. It's an opportunity to articulate what is most important and what knowledge can be drawn from one's unique experience.
1. We must design for people first. Always.
2. Design influences human behavior.
3. As the physical and technical worlds increasingly merge, we must remember the primacy of human connection and belonging.
neighborhoods Human behavior is influenced
3 Working in city government, for non-profits, in academia, and now the tech industry has taught me that complex problems require interdisciplinary solutions.
3. Many of us live and work and go to school in neighborhoods with people whose experiences mirror our own. This inhibits our empathy and we must work to close this gap.
Listening takes practice.
3. I am always learning,
5. I grew up on Limit Walkway --- the boundary between St. Louis City and St. Louis County, which instilled in me the desire to bring together people from different experiences.
6. Trained at the University of Illinois at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, I am a lifelong learner, human-centered design researcher, and creative problem solver.
Output: Research paper (cited in The Atlantic) InDesign poster
Method: Qualitative research; used iconic imagery to (the Arch) to visually separate findings
Summary: Masters research on former Bosnian refugee social and economic mobility required clear and digestible visual presentation of findings
Masters Research on Bosnian Social and Economic Mobility
Summary: Masters research on former Bosnian refugee social and economic mobility required clear and digestible visual presentation of findings
Solution: Evaluated former site using heuristics and industry standards; researched target audiences; redesigned and built new user experience, copy and content
LABEL: Evaluated former site using heuristics and industry standards; researched target audiences; redesigned and built new user experience, copy and content
Summary: $76K federal Safe Routes to School grant sought a modernized website to improve public access to grant programming, safety information, and reports
Summary: The Sarajevo450 Project grew out of a transformative Fulbright experience at the Faculty of Islamic Sciences in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. I confronted my ignorance and assumptions that had been fed by the media's narrow portrayal of Jewish and Muslim relationships. The purpose of the Sarajevo450 Project is to disrupt these assumptions and tell a longer, more accurate historical narrative about the historical relationships between people who hold these traditions dear.